logo VoIP Caller ID software SPA-3000

Caller database
Click image to enlarge

SpaView has four placeholders available.
They are used to start a program with information of the actual call.

The placeholders only apply to the 'Program' and 'Options' fields.

PlaceholderReplaced by
$callernumberNumber of caller
$callernameName of caller
(if not found, $callername will hold the caller's number)
$tonumberDestination number
$tonameDestination name
(if not found, $toname will hold the destination number)

Program: notepad.exe
Options: $callername.txt

at an incoming call from John, notepad will start and open (or try to open) John.txt
(provided John is in the callers list)

Click image to enlarge

Click image to enlarge

Web server
SpaView has an integrated web server, which means you can access your call history from all over the world.

How to use it:

Enable the web server, by checking the 'Remote view call history' box.
The default TCP port used by SpaView is 80. If you want to use another port, just enter a new value.
If you are behind a router, you will have to setup the correct port forwarding in your router!

The URL to request your call history is: http://<ip address>[:<port>]/spaview/history.xml

So you have to know what your (current) IP address is. If you don't know, check this site: www.whatismyip.com.

Optionally, you can use a passcode to prevent unauthorized access:

In that case, the URL syntax is: http://<ip address>[:<port>]/spaview/history.xml?pass=<passcode>

IP address:
Port: 4321


Passcode: grumble


E-mail notification
Non answered calls can be notified by e-mail.
The notification can be enabled/disabled in the main window.
If you want to send an e-mail to more than one address, enter a comma separated list in the To: field.

Network mode
Click image to enlarge

The machine which receives the Syslog messages from your SPA device should be set as Server.
The other machines in your local network are the Clients.

If you want a Client to load the call history from the Server, you have to share the server's SpaView folder to be able to locate the history file.

Click image to enlarge
Own name/number
The Own name/number field is used to exclude outgoing calls from the history list.
Some outgoing calls generate a SIP Ringing message and SpaView has to identify them in order to keep them away from the history list.

If you're using a SIP provider like VoipBuster, VoipCheap, etc., SpaView can keep track of your remaining freedays without having to login every time.
You have to set your current number of freedays and Spaview will count them down to zero.
After buying new freedays you have set the counter again!

Marquee screen saver
If you want, you can have the Marquee screen saver show the last caller.
This option must be enabled, by adding the line 'Marquee=1' to the [Main] section of spaview.ini.

Like this:


You also have to select Marquee as the active screen saver in Windows.

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